Not the full transcripts more of a summary
I think that we can sometimes approach weight loss from the wrong angle. We aren't aware of what got us to a place where we need to lose weight. We assume that all of our eating is wrong or that we don't move enough. Now I am not saying that this applies to everyone. This could never be a one-size-fits-all approach. Sometimes knowing that it was occasionally over-celebrating, sometimes emotionally eating, coping with emotions, or various other things. When we explore our eating habits, it could be, that our whole life does not need to be overhauled to lose weight just some minor tweaks here and there.
If we ask the internet what we need to be aware of it might say
Portion size
Drinks your consuming
Added Fat
Saturated Fat
Snack Foods
Processed Foods
Waist Circumference
High Blood Pressure
LDL (Good) Cholesterol
High Blood Sugar
All sorts of nutritional things that would take more time than I have to mention
Hormonal disorders
Sleep disorders
Eating disorders
There is so much to be aware of it is exhausting and it is always good advice to consult your doctor.
Brain Body Connection -
Movement is considered the human being’s first language. Movements strengthen the neural pathways between the brain and body. Learning, thought, creativity, and intelligence are not brain processes alone but the whole body.
Movement Exercise -
Importance of Community -
Support and Safety
Connection and Belonging
Influence - Community can influence and motivate us to invest in our well-being and bring positive change.
First Up - Let's take a look at the past week
Success - Share Your Non-Scale Victories
Non-scale victories aren't always some amazing accomplishment that feels amazing. Sometimes, they are pretty small. But if you ask yourself what does this tell me about myself? You might be impressed by the answers.
What does hitting my step goal of 370,000 steps tell me about?
When I want something I find a way to get it done.
That I do know how to be consistent.
That daily effort adds up over time even if I am not perfect every day.
Pitfalls -Let's let go of the pitfalls - we can learn from them but we don't want to hold onto them
These are normal it is what we do next that is important.
Awareness is the first key - What strategies can we develop to overcome? Sometimes we are trying to do too much too fast and we need to slow down or go back to basics. Revisit your why. Try not to feel shame or guilt it can prevent forward action. Focus on the positive.
Journal Exercise - Why Will I Keep Going?
Let's Get Back to The Topic of The Week
The list of things to be aware of goes on
Exercising too little or too much
Eating too little or too much
Do you underestimate or underestimate how much you eat or drink?
Are you hungry when you eat
Do your emotions affect what you
What about your sleep habits
Too many carbs
Not enough fiber
How much protein?
Am I focusing only on the scale?
What are my beliefs about weight loss?
Do I have unrealistic expectations?
I am overwhelmed and exhausted just thinking about all of it.
The Number 1 thing we need to be aware of is ourselves
Not what worked for someone else
Not the latest diet fad
Not the trendy workout
We need to be aware of ourselves - What are our current habits and what are we willing to change to reach our goals?
That is where the consistency scorecard comes in.
If I set some basic guidelines and approach them from a good better best mindset I can see where I am at. I can become aware of my hangups.
Let's take a look at mine.
According to TDEE Calculator, my maintenance calories are 1,916. For High Carb or low carb, I should have 106 grams of protein, and for lower carb 142 g of protein per day. I just started tracking this I had no idea how much protein I was eating. Without tracking the information I would not be aware of this. My scorecard is telling me I don't eat enough protein based on their recommendation.
Water - google says -
So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. (91 ounces) I am right on target.
Sleep - not a good week for sleep but I blame my fitbit.
This is all great information I can adjust based on this.
Being aware of these things is helpful
Sure tracking can be annoying and a lot to keep up with but if you don't know you don't know.
You could be making huge changes when all you need are small changes. Once you are aware it is easy to pick something you are willing to do, something you feel confident you could do, and make that a change.
But it starts with curiosity.
Journaling Exercise-
What is a small change I could make that would make a big impact?
We Are Not Failing We Are Planning
What's the Plan for the week?
Any Challenges?
Any Outings?
Weather things?
Wrap Up
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
― Maya Angelou
#weightlosscommunity,#weightlosschat #journaling for health #healthy habits #weightlosscommunitysupport #YouTubelivestreamdiscussion #weightlossjourney #weightlossover40