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Poi Practice, Upcycling and UGC.

New YouTube Channel

This t shirt was fun to make

I wanted a place to track my progress with Poi and my advancement in the flow arts. I decided that I would start a YouTube Channel dedicated to it. I have 2 subscribers right now if you are one of them thanks for subscribing. Also, is there anything Poi-related you would like to see?

You Tube Activity

Since I last made a blog post I have posted 15 videos on YouTube. Are you caught up?

6 of those videos are Episodes of The Saturday Morning Ritual

2 of the videos contain information on weight loss, habit tracking, and my personal step goal.

From Denim Pants to Skirt and Vest

I am also dabbling in UGC (User Generated Content). Beware any links to products are most likely affiliate links and I may earn a tiny commission if you purchase something. That has been fun! I got to try out Boob Tape for the first time. I got a new Candle that I love. That smell fills the room and it smells delightful. I love the candle, but it's quite expensive, so I'm unsure if I'll purchase it. I also tested a whole bunch of solutions for bat wings to help with their appearance.

The UGC experience has been fun, however for something as simple as taking a picture it has been a lot of work. The instructions are very precise and you have to be very careful in following them. For now most of the items I pay for upfront and after I post then I get my money back and maybe a couple of dollars.

Girl with tshirt
National Ice Cream Day

I should be tired because I also worked my full-time job and walked some dogs for Rover.

The point in all of this, even though I have been very busy, I have felt very fulfilled. I think that being able to express myself in a creative way is important to me. YouTube does let me do that, but I don't think that video production is something I love. If if were I would spend more time in researching and learning that side of things. I like to record and do minor editing but beyond that my heart does not pull me in that direction.

I go where my compass points me. And for now, it is being crafty.

When I am fulfilled it makes productivity and working on my personal goals a little bit easier and I don't get caught up in over thinking. Instead, I just do what I need to do to move on to the next thing. For me perhaps to much free time is not a good thing.

Now I have a Halloween costume to make. I will be back with more on that.

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