On this Mother's Day, my thoughts drift back to the day I met Loki—my unexpected but cherished 'child' who stole my heart. Join me on a nostalgic journey this Mother's Day as I reflect on nine incredible years with my beloved pup, Loki. From his adoption day to the present, discover the joys, challenges, and cherished moments of raising a furry family member.

Loki stole my heart the moment I saw him. I was scrolling through pictures on a pet adoption website and there he was and also a sign from the universe was that he would not be ready for adoption until my birthday. I took off work that day to adopt my little Loki Maximus Puppington. We still call him that to this day. Maximus was his shelter name and I named him Loki.

This was my first puppy in a very long time and I had forgot how much energy they have. Loki seemed to never sleep and we were constantly going on walks and breaks outside. Those early months treat dispensing toys were the only thing that kept him occupied and gave us a short break. He really liked this IQ Ball, warning if you have hard wood floors it can be noisy. Another option is this softer ball. I would roll treats in fabric scraps and place in the ball. Be sure to watch that your dog does not eat the fabric.
Another saving grace was his dog crate. We only had him sleep in his crate for his first two years. By then we were confident he was housetrained and new how to behave inside. A nice crate pad is a great addition to make it a little more comfortable. They make such amazing options now with orthopedic memory foam, waterproof lining to prevent liquid penetration and washable!
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Of course you think about needing a leash, a collar, and maybe even a sweater. Loki tolerated clothing for the first couple years after that it was a hard pass. I am glad I got this great picture of him modeling this Santa sweater. If I were to have him wear a sweater today it would be this one. It is so handsome!

Of course there were a couple items that caught me by surprise. Loki being an all black dog was nearly impossible to spot for those late night bathroom breaks. So we needed an LED Collar so we could see him and I also appreciated the added safety when we were out on walks. The other was a locking trash can. We were only out of the room a minute and he had that pizza box out of the trash and shredded. Now that only happens if we forget to lock the trash can and he checks it all the time.
Smart Dog.
Loki has slowed down a lot over. the years. Three years after he tore his right CCL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament) he is now healing from tearing his left CCL and is sporting this slick dog knee brace. The dog knee brace has a metal hinge on the outside of the knee joint, the hinge position corresponds to his knee joint, which can effectively provide support, and speed recovery. His ears are just as cute and I still love him with all my heart.

Thank you for joining me on this heartfelt journey down memory lane this Mother's Day. As Loki continues to age gracefully by my side, I'm reminded of the profound joy and love our pets bring into our lives. I'd love to hear your own proud pet parenting stories—feel free to share in the comments below. Remember to cherish those special moments and give a hug to someone you love. Happy Mother's Day!