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Solve Exercise Routine Boredom With 10 Workouts I Love!

Sad emoji and the word boring

This week on the Saturday Morning Ritual (my weekly live show on YouTube) we talked about boredom and its impact on your weight wellness. One thing we talked about was being bored with your exercise routine. You could be bored because it is not challenging enough, the environment is the same, you are not seeing progress and the list could go on.

If you are bored here are 10 workouts that I like. These are all links to YouTube videos because I enjoy working out at home and like to follow along with workout videos. Maybe you prefer group workouts, workouts out in nature, or something else. I challenge you to think about a way to shake it up a little.

How can you make it more challenging?

Is there something new you could try?

Is there a new environment, try a different gym, a different park, or even a different time of day.

When we are too repetitive in our activities they get stale and boring. Doing something new is a great way to bring back a little spark. To get that energy flowing!

Woman standing proudly in Christmas pajamas

Bonus Exercise Workout: Snackercize

This is a fun playlist I made for Christmas. These short one-song videos will get you in the mood for Christmas. I know it is too early to talk about Christmas but I could not help myself!

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