The Goals Workbook I designed to help with....Goals! It includes a Wheel of Life Exercise, LIfe Goals Worksheet, Understanding Goals Worksheet also known as the 5 Why's, Weekly Planner, Daily Plan & Reflection, and Monthly Assessmnet.
If you have a foal you also need to know why you have that goal and how you are going to reach it. This is a tool to help with direction.
The Wheel of Life exercise I first saw in my Silk and Sonder journals. I thought it was helpful and wanted to share it with you.
The daily plan I used as my number 1 tool to lose 50 pounds. It was so helpful to me in losing that weight. Setting a daily intention and refecting on how my day transpired is something I will keep in my life for a long time.
Monthly reflections are also a huge benefit to me and I like hacing a simple summary page.